Diana’s quick guide to fighting germs! Being sick stinks right? We all want to avoid it, and want easy ways to fight germs when they do attack us. God gave us an amazing body, and some things that we can take that naturally work with our body to help us! 5 years ago we moved 2000 miles for my husband to start school. We moved in to a wonderful family on campus apartments. Which meant we now had lots of new friends AND new germs. My kids were 1 and 3 at the time, and we were sick pretty much September to June. Each year our immune systems have gotten better, but it is rough! But I have learned many natural remedies to help! Now, I am NOT a doctor and these are just recommendations based on our family’s experience and I hope they can help yours! ( my only affiliated link is the plexus ones!) check it out on amazon! My number one favorite new thing? Colloidal Silver! This thing kills germs! We use it mostly as a few drops in the nose to clear i...