Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJ
These are some pictures taking at Sandy's house. They crack me up! It moves, sings ( wayyy off tune!) and lights up. It is just so addicting! Look, you can kind of see his teeth! He has his two bottom ones that are pretty much full in now, and the top ones are close! He just might have his two front teeth for Christmas !
Just an update, hopefully we can start writing more frequently and get more posts by the better blogger. I am still going to DTS and working for a small package delivery company. My son is in the first grade and gets up at around 5am everyday. My wife now works at our church for the mothers day out program. My daughter also goes to that mothers day out program. The Cowboys beat the Seahawks. I'm probably more of a Cowboys fan than a Seahawks fan now. On a possibly annoying side note, I love the marketing of sports. The Seahawks are "the champions of the world" and the Cowboys are "America's Team." It was America verses the World. Whose side are you on? Well, at least the championship game is called the "Super Bowl" and not something like the "World Championship Game," ........ "world series" "The world series" Where national teams from around the world compete to decide a champion, wait, that's th...
Today I am pretty much just going to give you a few pictures to give you a glimpse into what makes Atticus special. :) Atticus did not do pretend play hardly at all until his sister taught him when he was around 5. He then discovered at around 6 blocks/connects/shapes that he could use to build things, and started do more independent play which was awesome. In fact, it would be hard to stop him when he was in the middle of it. I also have a picture of him with pants half up for school and trying to finish a creation. :) His map is hung by his bed, with a world map also on his wall. He loves to be quizzed about them, and yes he has mastered the stack the states app. :) He also has checked out books from the library about space, the human body, animals and different elements. He knows more random facts then most adults I think! The pictures with the kids eating at subway represents our biggest struggle. Atticus can not stand chewing. (Or coughing) especially from Ariel, but also in gene...