A weekend with no Ryan

So we went to Eugene! With the Grandparents! We were all so impressed with Atticus. He took a nap on the way there, and as long as we kept moving he was really pretty good! Yeah! :) That bidded well for Atty in Disney World in two months!
Here are some pics with Atty in his stroller:
Grandpa would push him for hours, lol. He is really a happy baby, he likes to be moving! And he would do that face for anyone who would say hi to him! Its pretty funny.

And here is Atty learning to drink water from a straw! lol

Not sure why he isnt happy here, he has a spoon in one hand and a cracker in the other!

There's my happy baby! Isnt his little sweater jacket the cutest? Goes well with those cute eyes. :)


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