So thankful and proud of my parents!

This is a newsletter from my home church in wenatchee about my parents 3 year old ministry. I am so proud of them!
18 Years and Counting...
by Matt and Donna Wight

When we moved to Wenatchee 18 years ago and started attending WFMC, the first thing we volunteered to do was teach Sunday school. We originally wanted to teach 1st thru 5th grade since that was where our experience was.

We were told those ages were easy to get teachers for, but where they really needed teachers was in the 3 year old class (mostly 2 ½ year olds at that time).

We said we would try it!

One of the deciding factors was Donna's experience as a young mom. When we lived in New Jersey, separated from friends and family, we had two small children of our own.
We attended a large church where the moms of children in Sunday school took turns helping out in child care. Between Donna's scheduled days to help out and also being asked to substitute on the other weekends when we dropped off the kids, sometimes Donna wouldn't get to go to church service for a month at a time. Parents of older children usually did not volunteer extra weekends once they had completed their turn in the nursery because they felt it was the mothers of the younger children responsibility.

We decided right then that we would never develop that attitude.

The last people who should be required to help out in child care are the parents of younger children.
These parents need to be receiving nurturing and encouragement for the important 24/7 task of raising their own children.

Plus, don't tell anyone but, our class is the funniest to teach! We wouldn't want to miss out on spending our Sundays with these amazing children because lots of other volunteers started signing up to teach this wonderful class.  Three- year olds get so excited about every Bible story since most of the stories are new to them.

Watching a child transition from crying when their parents drop them off on Sunday mornings, to crying when they are told it is time to leave is very rewarding.


 "Carter, what is your favorite part of Sunday School? 
 "When we go on pretend trips."
"Where do you go?"

"I don't remember, but the story tolds us. Member that guy who died and came alive again-hmm, Lazarus? Him was all wrapped up and we got wrapped in toilet paper!!! I couldn't see with my eyes!"
 -Carter Peternell (age 3) 
 "I like when Mr. & Mrs. Wight sing songs, play with play  dough and read stories to me!"
-Annie Gale ( age 3)   

 "Mr. & Mrs. Wight teach me that God lives in my heart!
-Abbie Gale (age 3) 
"They taught me about the "Prodigal Son" (Seriously, she remembered the entire story!)
-Ellie Gale (age 3)   
"Thank you so much to Mr. & Mrs. Wight for all their time and commitment to teaching God's precious children about his Son.  Our girls love to go to Sunday School and always can tell us something they learned or did that involves Jesus!  Thank you again for serving and loving these little ones!"
-Andy & Heidi Gale
(parents of Annie, Abbie, and Ellie)

"I love Mr. Matt & Donna because of their enthusiasm and willingness to take on a room full of 3 year olds every week, teach them about Jesus, and make it tons of fun!  Mr. Matt also taught Milo how to pick up the little tiny pieces of play-dough off of the floor, which is a major bonus for this mom!"  
-Kristi Ahrens

"They're my teachers and they help me learn about Jesus. And Mr. Wight plays the animal puzzle with me."
-Lorelai Pooler (age 3)

"I remember when the Wight's taught me as a three year old, many years ago. Like always, they would read Bible stories and teach memory verses. Now I have the privilege of teaching alongside them. They have a unique ability to help young children understand how much God loves them. The love and patience that the Wight's have  for these children is remarkable. The Wight's have taught me so much about teaching young children, and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you for sharing your life with me and all of the children." 
-Katie Voth


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