We are back! It was a wonderful "magical" trip! Ihave around 500 pics to go through! But here are some of our trip there!

Atticus playing in the eugene airport on the way there! That was a cute little thing! Our plane left at 6:45. And we had a small scare... we had left atty's Ducky at the hotel! (as many of you know, this is his fav little stuffed animal that helps him sleep.) But we called the hotel and they came and drove it to us just in time! That would of been awful to have ot be without it!!!

Here is ryan waiting for the plane... No other comments needed i think!
Atticus and grandpa talking!
Here is little atty eating snacks at my feat on the plane! We had one flight from eugene to seattle for about an hr, and then a 4.5 hr from seattle to Orlando! Atty did pretty good, even slept and hr or so on grandpa's and then later my lap!
Here is Atty and I in very warm Flordia on the magical express on the way to our hotel!!! (notice he has his ducky!)Me trying to catch a pic of both of them... Atty isn't still very often! lol I like this picture of the hand! :)WALT DISNEY WOLRD!!! YIPPPEEE!


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