The Legend

My wife told me something that made me chuckle today, but to get the full story I need to go back about 2 years ago.....

One day, when I was taking my kids to AWANA my son, age 4, fell asleep in the car. When we got to the parking garage he woke up confused, asking, 
"How did we get here?"
 Due to the obviousness of the situation, I did whatever any good parent would, I made up a story. "Robots of course."
 "How daddy," he replied.
 "They picked us up, in an aircraft and dropped us off here."

I made an elegant story as his curiosity grew and left it at that.

A few days later he started asking about the robots again and my wife made me recant.
However a child's desire to believe the impossible is greater than what their parents are telling them.

Flash forward 2 years or last week.

"Mom, I told my friends about the robots that moved our car."

"Atticus, you know the robots were not real, right?"

"Oooooooh" Like it was dawning on him for the first time.

-The next day

"Mom I told my friends that the robots were not real"

"And what did they say?"

"They didn't believe me"

And so the legend the Parking Robots continues........


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